
Until the 28th of the current month, you can ordered monthly packages for the next month.


Until the 28th of of the current trimester you can order a package for the next trimester.

School year

Until the 28th of August (before the beginning of the school year) you can order a package for the whole school year .

Download actual Menu

The following menu is for the period 05/03- 30/03/2024

Payment terms

The first payment should be made no later than August 29, 2023.


Payment is made directly to FURISTO LTD.

Cash payment

From security reasons, cash payments are prohibited, expect the amounts under BGN 10,00 (equivalent to a single meal).

Details for the bank transfer

In bank transfer please indicate: name and surname of the child, class and pay period. Only students who have paid packages can use the school catering.

Bank details

DSK Bank - company name Furisto OOD

IBAN: BG22STSA93000023896905


Please inform us, if your child will not use the school catering for valid reasons (absence, illness, etc.),

In this case parents can notify the staff of the school catering by email, until 16:00 on the previous day, so that the amount can be deducted and transferred to the next month. Otherwise, the lunch is considered consumed.